Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jesus Calling: A Bible series, Day 126/366

Good day everyone! Today is wonderful! Smile amidst the chaos. Life is changing a bit, normal days will be coming. News about the pandemic is still there, and a big media company shut down. I don't really know who to blame, thousands of employees lose their jobs. The freedom of press was abandoned and everyone hates each other.

Times like this is hard to understand. Life became harder. Pandemic crisis, social and economic crisis. People felt so down. Anxiety, depression, even hunger is in every Filipino homes. Who do we ask for help? We really can't depend our relatives, even our government. We felt we are living in the dark, abandoned my God.

But don't think of that, God is with us no matter how hard life knock us down. Sometimes, God is testing our patience, our faith and perseverance. He knows what exactly our attitude and He just wants us to change a bit on how to act in times of trials. Always think that God is our light even at the darkest hours of our lives. He knows how to help us, just have that faith within. And learn how to pray cos prayer works!

Good night! God bless!

Jesus Calling: A Bible Series, Day 125/366

Hi everyone! Happy monday! It's the first day of the week. A new week to be grateful. Though the last few weeks were so tough and hard, the community quarantine was extended for another two weeks. Life is hard and we need to accept it slowly that it is not normal. "Social Distancing" is the term when we observe ourselves not to be closely attach with others especially on public places. One meter apart is the standard distance away from each other. Rubing of alcohols and alcogels is a must when you touch something on public that is not yet sanitized or cleaned. As if there is 'trust issues' nowadays.

But there is also a trust issue with Jesus?

Ok, trust. One word. Different meanings. Do you give your trust easily? Are you trustworth? Seems easy to answer. But for Jesus our saviour and redeemer, He is the only one we need to trust in times like this. Because He knew all good things are coming our way. Trust His time and it will be fruitful. 

Goodnight everyone! 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Jesus calling: A Bible Series, Day 124/366

Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold the one." 

Happy Sunday everyone! It's the first sunday of the new month May! Let's rejoice for we have overcome fear from the passed months. Lock down has been two months and it taught me new lessons in life.

This verse from the bible simple says about God and money. The last quarter of the year 2019 and the first quarter of 2020 has been so tragic. Not only to me but its been consuming mostly of the people's lives all over the world. Imagine a war where all people don't see the enemy. And the least we can do is to stay home, pray and learn. If you can't stay home now, you' re dead. Either you can be infected with a deadly virus or you will be caught by military men. The COVID 19 pandemic is the talk all over the town, the world, the news, social media, supermarts even on televisions, and radios. There are no other topics. Statistics were like 3 million cases all over the world. Several countries in Asia, Europe, the U.S has been in crisis right now. There were reported of hoarding of supplies. Face masks, gloves, tissue papers, canned goods even alcohols were all consumed and shelves on the grocery were all empty. I can't imagine how rich families bought all those supplies to stack and pile them up on their closets. There are no such hoard situation happening if they just buy 2-3 pieces of alcohol not a whole box. Middle class families even the poor can't even have the opportunity to buy because shelves are now empty. Even canned goods like sardines, instant noodles, processed meats and frozen goods are almost empty. The whole world is in crisis especially the Philippines which is one of the third world countries who is striked by lightning when the virus is reportedly arrived in the country. Honestly, we are not ready. We don't have an emergency fund like this. Personally I don't have a fund for calamity or emergency like this. I am very lucky to work with a company which they greatly took care of their employees. We have this hazard pay be credited at the end of the week thats costs Php1,200/day. They gave us face masks and shields, gloves, vitamins, alcohol. They don't force employees to work especially not everyone has private cars, since all public utility vehicles and jeepneys are suspended. I am lucky that my Dad drives me at work and fetches me, since his work is also suspended. I pity workers walking down town early morning just to give essential services. Gosh! It is so hard. And yet stubborn people especially in Manila area were they insist going out of their homes. I also understand the fact that they need not to depend on the government for special amelioration and relief goods. They also need to find ways to survive. We are not a rich country where the government can give everything for us. We need to earn. Especially in our community, we are not given enough relief so I need to earn to sustend our needs. Basic commodity is a must today, rice, the very common for the Filipinos. We can survive daily with rice on our tables, even if there is not enough viand, as long as their is rice. We can live. The crisis greatly affects minimum wage earners, for they will not be paid of they don't go to work. No work,no pay. They are crying for mercy on televisions. I really don't know who to blame for this pandemic crisis. Honestly, people need money today. For without money, we can't buy our basic priority needs. There are so many people starving now. We Baguio people has so many ways to get food. Vegetables are very easy and convenient to get here. We can get here on our backyards like sayote tops and fruits. Crops like kamote, potato, carrots and beans are easy to grow on our yards. High landers are very lucky unlike in Manila. Canned goods and instant noodles are not healthy. You might get a problem after eating it everyday and get sick. I wish this war ends very soon. In this situation, you really can not determine who will you have faith with. As per the quote, "God provides." Yes God provides. News about volunteers and private sectors who donate are such overwhelming. They give what they can give. They are instruments of God. And bless them. Thanks God for being such a blessing to everyone.

Churches have been closed, but our faith with God became stronger. With our families with us, nothing can beat a stronger prayer. Money is very essential today. All people needs money. But it is just a paper value. God's mercy is more valuable. He knows what we need. God never sleeps nor blind or deaf. He heards all our cries, our demands and our prayers. All we need to do is have faith. Seeks and you shall find. Knock and it will be open for you. Ask, and we will receive.

God bless everyone!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Jesus calling: A Bible series, Day 123/366

John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Hi everyone! Welcome to another journey I am writing now. It's called Jesus Calling: A bible series. This journey started 2018, I created a group page on Facebook where I share a verse from the bible every day and copied a text from the book itself and members on the group can share it freely. All other members can share bible articles on the group page. It just happened that I stop posting reason is I find myself hypocrite. And I'm a bit guilty about that. Other than that, you can search that group page out on Facebook. Jesus calling. And all are free to be accepted as members. 

Let's start that habit again on my blog. I want to fill my blog with happy thoughts not just an online diary about hate and vanity. I will be posting everyday a bible verse randomly and I will share an experience or a thought basing it on the bible verse. 

First verse is about John 10:10. First and foremost, my religion is Roman Catholic. I don't have any plans of changing it now or in the future. I was born with it and be dying on it. You know honestly, religion is nothing when judgment come. It is not religion that will save us, it is our faith. I believe that we have only one God. He has many names, many forms and many churches. God made one universe, one planet that we live today and eversince .He made us in His image. Everybody is the same form and image. My mother is human,not animal, she is breathing and so is me. In short, human beings have the same features. Nose,eyes,hands,legs, and many others. Other persons were born with incomplete body parts, has syndrome, diseases, or even disabled. Those are not there faults. It is a special thing God gave for their families. It is the family whether they will accept it or abandon them. I pity a child whenever I hear a story about abandonment just because he/she is crippled,blind, or even with a syndrome. A child born with it should be loved, give full attention and consideration. Sometimes I feel pity myself whenever I have a problem and can't resolve it and question God. Something is saying to me at the back of my mind that I should be lucky for having a life with complete body parts and in normal state compared to special children who were abandoned. That should be also a thought criminals should think. I have one moment in my life when I stole something. And I felt so guilty doing it. It costs small but a big difference was replaces. I almost experienced karmas in my life. A small deed/ act has a big responsibilities. I can't imagine how a big time slunderer,murderer, or even a notorious person can do a crime without even a conscience. Life in prison may not even enough for their crimes but remember Jesus and the Father forgave them afterall. Tell me? It's unfair right!? Yes it is! It is unfair but that is Love. Unconditional love my friends. Remember Jesus lived as a human being to tell as that life is temporary. All living things die. But Jesus lived just not to die, He died for us. His teachings, his preachings, his words and works will remain in us forever. We just need to accept Him that He is our saviour and redeemer. Our sins my friends, is one factor that we live so far from God. Jesus died for our sins, and He died without second thought. He knew in the first place that He will die on our dirty hands, but He still chose that. Because that is what's best for the whole world. And He also rose from the dead my friends. That also tells us that there is life everlasting. When we chose to live in His ways, we will live again. 

Remember Jesus came for us sinners. Only we need to accept Him and live in His ways. That is the only way we can enter heaven. 

Goodnight and God bless!

My Acne Journey Day 5: Overcoming Stress

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Today I made a few pots for the garden out from empty coke bottle. I planted marigold seeds on it. I hope it fully grows soon and display it inside of the sala.

Yes! Today is day 5 of our acne journey. I was so shocked when I woke up this morning, my breakouts were peeling and flaking. I guess I had applied a thick layer of Benzac(Benzoyl peroxide) last night. But after I took a bath, my skin went ok and back to its own moisture.

Today I will share a lil about stress and how does it affect adult acne. Way back 2018, I had mentioned on my past blogs that stress can affect hormonal acne. Based on my experience, I went from many stress in the past. Work, financial problem, mental stress, and yes including love life. When we are in deep trouble or anxiety, stress hormones are going active. That is the time when pores are loosening, oil secretion and sweat are increasing. Heart and blood circulation are in an abnormal beats. That is why pimples and zits are starting to grow and yes it causes breakouts.

Way back 2018, I remember I had a problem with my colleague and it took my period for two months to arrive. And that time I was having a little stress about my Trip to Thailand. I studied all about Thailand for 6 months before I flew August that year. And yes, the stress is there and had breakouts not long.

Stress is also caused by iron deficiency. Taking vitamins with iron and zinc is good for the circulation of blood and skin. Stresstabs, Conzace, Ferrous sulfate are just one of those many iron vitamins out in the market.

Problems and trials are always there. It is normal for human beings to get in trouble, but don't forget that there is mightier than your troubles. And that is our Lord God. I had this one trouble last year going a year now. Was a long story, I don't wanna spill it online lol! To cut the story short, I got broke. Financially and mentally. I almost want to quit my life especially November last year was the worst of all the worst hahahah! I was enlightened, I talked to God almost every day and night of every step and action I made. As if there was an invisible armour of light in my side. Whenever I ask something of Him, there are situations that gave me favors. And as if there are small miracles happening that moment. I always shed tears inside the washroom whenever there were answered prayers. Like one instance, there was a bill thats needs to be paid that very day. I had no money that time, really even a single peso. I downloaded an online loan and prayed to God. Just a few minutes, the loan was approved. And I was really grateful that God hears me even the most silent cries. I am a witness of His miracles. I will be posting a separate post about Jesus' miracles and works. For now, bottomline, stress is one factor of breakouts. And as the saying, 'Prayer works'. Yes! It works.

Also, staying up late at night can cause pimples. Breakouts will appear at your forehead. So tip, don't stay up late, have a healthy sleep starting 10pm onwards for 6-8 hours is enough for adults. Rehydrate before and after sleep. I always drink one glass of water when I wake up in the morning cos we sweat while we are sleeping, fluid in our body should be replaced. Drinking water in the morning as a habit can prevent hypertension, bloating and stomach acidity.

These are pics of my face after our skin night routine. I applied Olay Mochi-mochi night cream under my eyes and areas with no pimples to see how this night cream works on oily skin.

See you tomorrow and Goodnight! God bless!

My Acne Journey Day 4: Breathe

Hi everyone!

It's a gloomy day today and rain poured late afternoon. Today is day 4 of my acne journey. I'm off for three days and I can focus on myself for the weekend and have the time to observe change on my skin for the next three days. Yesterday, I talked about hormones and how did I overcome it. I just want to add something about it, I took contraceptive pills last June of 2018 because I watched a few testimonials and articles that hormonal acne is caused of a high level testosterone in the body. That is why I have coarse hair on my upper lips and arms especially in my legs and armpits. I also read that high level of testosterone can cause PCOS for women. And I'm afraid that I may be one of them. But ever since I took contraceptive pills last 2018, my period became regular and is consistent for 28-30 days cycle. And I had observed that whenever I do strenous activities, my period delays for a week. But overall I never experienced period cramps and dysmenorrhea unlike my sister and mother did. I am one of those lucky women who never experiences cramps. Thanks God🙏🏻
Like what I have mentioned yesterday I discontinued taking pills because there are testomonials I heard about taking it in a long run. Just like what my colleague told me she had cysts on her ovaries that need to be removed and thats because of contraceptive pills.

Today's topic is about leaving things behind. As I ponder last night before I sleep, I remember all my mistakes from the past. I have this very rude attitude of changing skin routine rapidly. When a certain product is already empty I change the product most of the time. There is no exact skin product stayed for almost a year. And that's the attitude I need to change. If this toner I bought the other day will match my skin type. I would probably stay with it for a long run. This will be my forever regimen just to be sticking to one method. And that's exactly what I realized in the true events of my life. Not sticking to one partner. Wtf! Hahahaha!

Okay! Fine! Yeah! There's only one man I have in my life. Talking to him for 4 years already. A virtual relationship. And yes, I cheated on him several times but he really don't know about that. We keep on having blues in our relationship but the boat is still sailing. I love him. I have him at my worst. The day when I felt dying and told him I may not be able to talk to him cos I wanted to quit that night. Then the next day, I greeted him 'Good morning' and he replied 'Why are you still alive?'. That moment, I knew he is the one. Hahahaha! I will reveal him when the day comes that we will meet. And I know that is very soon. I really don't know why I wrote this lol. Maybe because a background of Ed Sheeran is playing right now hahahahaha. Jesus!

Anyway,  lockdown period is very tough right now. The feeling is like there is always someone watching our actions and deeds. I miss running down the trails, roads and hills. Running keeps my body fit, there was a time when I gained too much weight and there is a time that I feel so slim. Running helps me a lot. Being proactive keeps me away from vices like smoking and drinking. I admitted that I smoked and drunk a lot last year and that made me feel different and guilty. Running with an ailment is hard so I need to quit smoking and drinking. I will write a different post about overcoming stress. Sweating helps the body breathe. Though in my case, I really sweat a lot, a little movement or carrying something heavy makes me sweat. And my pores were really extraordinary. Pores on my nose and t-zone is very big and wide. They really get oiled up easily even if I wore matte foundation and setting spray. Honestly you know I get bullied at my work because even my colleagues notice it. They make fun of me and cracking jokes about my oily face. Sometimes they even want to deep fry food on my face because thats what oily my face looks like. Yes! I know you were imagining things too hahaha! Well, I get used to it. There's actually nothing I can do but to laugh with it because it's true. And that's what I really like to get rid of it. Oil,sebum,god! Sometimes blotting it is too expensive. I can take 4-5 blot papers just to remove oil on my face. Just to have a smart and thrift way, I use to blot it with facial wipes. And you can really see oil literally on the tissue paper.

Number one tip on working out, never exercise with make up on your face. I enrolled on a gym last week of January this year and I always forgot to take off my make up before excercise and sweat that builds up on pores got me irritated. It cause me breakouts. God! Thats a curse. From that day on, I always remove makeup with virgin coconut oil and wash my face with Nivea acne whip foam. And after doing exercises, I wash my face again.

I'll be posting pics after my skin routine tonight.

*** This is me after my skin routine. I decided not to put Olay mochi mochi night cream cos I noticed early this morning,my face was so oily and dewy. I thought it may add up sebum and can cause new zits to appear. So I just applied petroleum jelly on my lips and I'm ready for bed!

Now I made a video tutorial on how I treat my breakouts.
Watch it here:

Goodnight and God bless! ❤️😘