Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I can smell the taints of childhood
and I apologiza that I have let go
of the fragrance, proning me to tarnish
the unwounded rest of pastures
from the wealthy fields

I climbed torooftops and deceived
my hands to visible realities
that knows no boundaries
and stabs the human heart, a swelling truth
swept to the flow of gleaming rivers
I fell in the spell of dunes

I speak the filtered monotone of quietness
pale as the night swirling in solitude
tracing the last four miles before I was
standing here

I ask forgiveness to childhood
the weight of a bitter ordinary stole
the dusk of each new beginning and
the ventures drafted on roadsides, gone...

I pick dusts fallen from the rites
beyond the slope of a sinking, scoured sight
trampled into the edges of life, and its blade,
a smear of blood


  1. I am visiting your blog as you invited me. And you asked for me to help you find peace for your soul-I think that's how you wrote it. There's only one way. Do you have a Bible? I can tell you that's the only place to find truth-it's always been that way. If you invite Jesus to be your Savior, and ask for forgiveness-He will come into your heart and make you a new person! That is my hope in this awful world-His promises are true, and they are for everyone. His blood was shed so that you and I would have life everlasting-which really starts when we invite Him into our lives. I think I read you have seen 'The Passion' so you know the story.
    If you read John in your Bible, that is a wonderful place to start. I'd be happy to write to you any time.
    Love, Debra

  2. I'm stopping by from Debra's blog. I echo what she has told you in her comment. Jesus Christ is the answer. I have come from a very difficult past and through the love of Jesus I am now becoming the person he meant me to be. He has a plan for your life. The emptiness I see in you through your dark blog posts reminds me of myself at another time. I had a hole in me I needed filled up. I tried everything to fill it. Jesus is the only one who can fill that empty space and bring peace and joy in life. I pray that you will come to know this.

  3. Thanks for giving me the advice that helps me leave my dark past. I now realized that though I lost a special loved one in my life, there is still GOD who loves unconditionally. He waits to love him though I ignored him once. Thanks for enlightening me in order to move on. I truly appreciate the both of you in visiting my blogsite and lending your precious time for me. I hope and pray that you will help more teenagers like me regarding in this matter. Once again, I THANK YOU...
