Saturday, February 27, 2010


Maybe I am...
A sweet gentle melody that enlivens a lonely heart
A sad song
depicts unto my ears

Do you really know me?
You said thousand words of "I LOVE YOU's"
Million times of hugs
Billion times of kisses
and Trillion times of touch

With my undefined complexity
your name's a mystery
I gave you all, my life, my mind, my soul
But why? Why did you forsaken me?

You said LOVE, I received LIES
You did PASSION, I made CURSE
You make others HAPPY, I attempt to cry
You did cut your HEART, I feel the BLEED

I had lived in my own reality
A reality which like dreams fade away
I tended my own heart-at its worst
The feeling of stupidity, it meant a lot to me

All throughout of this SHIT existence
I quivered every moonlight at its burden
As I saw a glimpse of what life might have been
I condemn myself for something I haven't done

This life was never a choice
Where I could have made the difference between mind nor heart
So now tell me...Does the pain hurts?

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem..
    I made this poem last July,2009..
    ANd i was inspired to compose this masterpiece of a man who broke my heart..
    Though, this poem is the best piece I ever made..
