Friday, January 27, 2012

''Ways on how to make a Girl SMILE (PART 1)"

1. Send her a cute goodnight text while she's sleeping so she wakes up with a smile on her face.

2. hug her unexpectedly, tell her she's beautiful, send her home, kiss her forehead/cheeks, let her knw tht u love her

3. Call her "BABY" it will make her melt every time. Promise.

4. Play with her FINGERS, she loves the way your hand touches hers.

5. Tell her she is beautiful, not hot or fine.

6. Express that you miss her when you're apart .

7. treat her like gravity. You fall for her everyday.

8. spend time with her. There's nothing women cherish more than time.

9. Give her your Jacket when its Cold... And tell her she can keep it...

10. Only LIE to her if it involves SURPRISING her. :)

11. Be sweeter then candy, make her feel like she's your world, spoil her with love and care. She'll smile for awhile.

12. STAY by her side and PROTECT her. Especially when no one else does

13. Call her just to tell her that you love her more than anything.

14. Text her "Good Morning Beautiful! Let her know that she is the FIRST thing you think about when you wake up.

15. Tell her every night before you go to sleep just exactly how much she means to you.

16. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.

17. insecurities. Do not contact your EX.. And EX is certainly an EXample of ppl u shouldn't hv in the future

18. Buy her a single rose instead of a dozen

19. NEVER break your PROMISES and keep her SECRETS like they're yours.

20. tell her that she's just like the brightest star among the thousands and it makes you keep looking at her all day.

21. Treat Her like a Queen

22. Cook for Her

23. love her with all your heart ♥ and always be there for her :')

24. Respect Her Morals, Feelings And Thoughts. Don't Push Her To Do Anything. Move At Her Pace

25. show her she's always on your mind

26. Show her off to your friends, make her feel important.

27. Don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong.

28. Go to her house when she is sick, make soup for her, take care of her. You will be the best medicine ever!

29.Never give up on her. Even when she's messing up. Everyone makes mistakes but love can do anything

30. Tell her, "The day I go down on my knees for another girl, is the day I will tie the shoe lace for our daughter."

31. kiss her on the forehead or grab her by the waist and pull her and just look at her and kiss her <3 br="">
32. walk with her. Walk her home/ walk her to class/ stroll in the park etc

33. telling her she looks better without makeup...

34. writing long random cute letters and write it on her wall on Fb or texting it

35. She comes first. ALWAYS.

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