Tuesday, April 28, 2020

My Acne Journey Day 1: Knowing your flaw

Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last post. After so many years I came back to a very interesting topic to make. Yep! That's what on my title now! ''Acne Diaries''.

I don't have a perfect skin all these years I've been struggling so hard about acne,body acne,breakouts,oily skin and the like. I decided to make a journal this year because I've noticed that my breakout were coming all over again every year,worst. There is no such month that a pimple will pop out from any part of my body,unfortunately it targets the face. From the past few years,breakouts are appearing in my jawline,chin,and cheeks. Unlike when I first had my pimple way back 2nd year high school, pimple appears on my nose, forehead,t-zone area. I had read few articles and watched vlogs that breakouts appeared on jawline and chin are more likely to have problems with hormones and reproductive glands. Not too serious but let's go breakdown the events,researches I've done and start this journey together.

I recalled the time when was the first time I had pimples and that's when I was in sophomore high school,summer. About to enrol for juniors. I had body acne,pimples start to appear on my chest and back, a few on my forehead(which is understandable) to be from staying up late at night. Of course because of studying hahaha! I didn't have pimples from the earlier ages because I am still young,pores are still tight and hormones are ok. My menstruation cycle is doing ok it is regular. But when I start to use hair conditioner that is the time I started having body acne, hair conditioner which drips on my back and chest is not ok. So I adapted that changes until now,after every shampoo I put conditioner then tie it up with a hair clam or shower cup just to make sure no conditoner can drip to my back and chest. Leaving with scars all over these years is devastating,now that I noticed that my scars were like colloidal. It doesnt flatten over these years. I already solved my problem about body acne and treat them with Human Nature's Sunflower Oil (Php349,200mL) every after bath. I never had body acne worst.

Now for the main event, breakouts on the face.

God! Tracing it from the genes, yes! My mum had acne when she was teen. But it was all gone, she treated it with accutane. (Vitamin A, named Affaxin,sold over the counters,100iu the lowest). Yes! I even took Affaxin before ,I had the highest iu which is 40,000iu and damn! I took it every night and a side effect happened. My belly button was so damn itchy! Pimples were like drying but yes scars are crazy. I discontinued it because my belly button was so itchy and I needed to treat it with tea tree extract. I disgusted smelling it yuck!

Pimples when I were in high school worstens when I was about to graduate and it started on my jawline. I really don't remember what I used or took to treat them. Freshman college,sophomore,junior til senior,yes I am having pimples but not severe. Different products were used until I found a matched product thats suits my skin which was the Maxipeel. From facial wash,astringent,sunblock,moisturizing cream and concealing cream. The beauty guru from my colleague taught me that using a specific brand should be consistent to see a huge difference and effectiveness.

I started my job as a bank teller way back 2015 and small pimples were growing in my forehead which is really normal for me espcially when my period is about to come. I started seeing old pics from 2015-2017, same part of my face were pimples are popping out. Body acne was least growing too. Latter part of the year 2017, a client introduced me a face cream which is published as not FDA approved. It gave me glowy skin at first but it gave me damage all through out. Gori cream was the name of the brand. Small bumps that touches like mushrooms when I touched them below my chin and started to breakout! Holy molly! That was the first time I got a serious breakout on my face!!! I was so desperate to find a solution, online shops like W II products thats costs almost Php5000. And I also got a membership at Frontrow and took their gluta pills. All solutions had no answer. I just patiently used W II products for 3 months and it gave me temporary solutions. The next year 2018, I had a breakout again before I leave Thailand for vacation, on my jawline again. I just patiently bought organic products and Safeguard pink for facial wash.

Last year 2019, had a minor breakout again before I left for Cebu, May ,2019. Just patiently used Koji Kojic soap with Safeguard pink. Constantly before the year ends,pimples are healing. Leaving just damn scars.

Yes January 2020, no more breakouts,only scars. I left dairy products out of my list because they cause me allergens that breakouts will go out again. Yes! Dairy products like cheese,milk,ice creams,milk teas,yogurts will trigger acne! So I dare you guys! Don't be tempted. I know it's hard.

I started enroling gym later January 2020. And damn! A wrong mistake happened. I always forgot to remove make up before work outs and yes! Break outs again. And that's when I always remove make up first every before and after workouts.

March 2020, a pandemic is currently in the Philippines. Lockdown are everywhere. No where to go, masks are on. Still break out are happening, why? Unhealthy foods,junks,instant foods,oily foods. Yes,admit it,it's so good to eat especially your favs but can you do not eat that forever? God! This is so sickening. Every year my breakout tore me apart. Seeing myself in the mirror,waking up with a newly born pimple is so fucking sick!

This journal is not about self pity. This journal is a written proof that I can also eat foods I am longing to eat and brace my self even more. From today Day 1, come and witness me to my journey about fighting acne and bracing yourself to feel beautiful inside and out.

Day 1: Knowing your flaws

It's been more than a month since an enhanced community quarantine is going on right now. People are not allowed to go out as much as you want. And mask is a must whenever you go out. First week of March, I noticed small bumps in my jawline left part of my face. I thought it was just blackheads that can be easily pulled out with pore strips but unfortunately now last week of April those small bumps came out as pimples and start to break out. It is so itchy right now but I prefer not to touch them with my hands or prick them. I also decided not to put anything with it. I just washed my face with Safeguard Detox in Green tea,day and night. No toners,no creams,no masks,nothing. I just apply petroleum jelly on my lips and thats all. I just want to let my skin breathe. Since we are all locked up, no one will see my poor,pathetic,ugly skin. So hell yeahh! Don't care no more hahaha!

All the time I got locked up here at home, I watched the most watched videos on Youtube, collated info and researched things for acne. Listed down all tips and tricks,remedies and vitamins,products and skin care routine. And this blog is all about that! I am finally going to do in the first time of my life an Enhanced Beauty skin care routine! Hahahaha (drum roll pls)

But not going to do yet at Day 1 cos this post is a series, day 1 will just about to know your skin well and update the current skin condition. I will be posting my current skin condition now and day by day I will update  you guys and how my skin care routine is going on.

Since I will be using a new found product and technique on how to prevent breakouts and get rid of scars and blemishes, I decided not to put anything yet to see what will be the effect to my skin after 2-3 days without skin products. The products are not yet with me. I will reveal them tomorrow at day 2. Disclaimer all products were personally bought. No such thing as sponsored. I bought it all by myself. Locally.
So this blog is about self discipline too, not eating foods that you are allergic and will cause acne and also will teach you how to spend well for self worthy products.

Ok, so this is just a beginning of a journey. See you tomorrow for the products to be used in this blog! Goodnight!

*** This is my current skin. All were red,inflamed, small bumps together,itchy,some has pus.

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