Sunday, August 9, 2015

"Letters to God (movie review)"

A blessed afternoon to all of you guys! I just recently watched a movie entitled 'Letters to God' from 2010. My eyes are really in deep soar right now. I was crying hard all the way since the beginning til end hahaha! Well, I was a bit emotional and easily carried away especially drama movies. This movie is so awesome! You could check its trailer above. I really don't know that this is based on a true life experience until the real name and the real picture of the child boy appeared at the end.

The story was about a boy named 'Tyler' was diagnosed in brain cancer and was writing to God letters everyday. His writing about his daily things, the people around him, and his neighbors. There was a mailman who is horribly a drunkard and was called back to duty. His boss gave him Tyler's mail addressed to God and he just laughed because he don't know where to mail it. But then Tyler said to him that his letters to God can be mailed anywhere and the drunkard slowly changes its life by reading Tyler's letters to God. His mother almost gave up because he can't continue his chemotherapy due to cancer cells complications. Tyler's classmates made a way just to relieve his tension but in the end Tyler died. His writings affected all his neighbors to write letters to God too and all his schoolmates. After Tyler's death, almost all cancer survivors voiced out all their stories, shared their near-to-death experiences and advocate youth to pray.

This movie really gave me goose bumps. Very inspiring especially to all cancer patients. I was so amazed to Tyler because he really made a legacy before he died. And he knew that God never fails to listen in all our prayers. I may also start writing letters to God too. Telling him all my activities, my achievements, my troubles,problems, confessing my sins and even giving thanks. And God will write our name in the Book of Life. He knew what is really for us. He never gave anything that he knew that it is not best for us. God all knows what is in our future. It is up to us if we will mold it or destroy it. God's time is never late nor advance so just wait for Him to give what is for you. God is so merciful that even a small boy could change a man's awful pasts. Let us reflect to the deeds Tyler had made for us and for all our brothers and sisters. Jesus Christ is our salvation,our savior! God bless everyone!

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